This large, powerful dog, can be a steady and a gentle companion.
Rottweilers were originally dogs bred to drive cattle to market. Later they were used to pull carts for butchers. They were among the earliest police dogs and serve with honor in the military. Most important, they are popular family guardians and friends.
Like the mythical Greek hero Hercules, the Rottweiler is strong and true with a loving heart. Affectionately called Rotties or Rotts, the breed originated in Germany, where it was used to drive cattle and pull carts for farmers and butchers. That heritage is reflected in the Rottie's broad chest and heavily muscled body. When he moves, he displays strength and stamina, but when you look into his eyes you see warm, dark-brown pools reflecting a mellow, intelligent, alert, and fearless expression.
This large, powerful dog, can be a steady and a gentle companion.
Rottweilers were originally dogs bred to drive cattle to market. Later they were used to pull carts for butchers. They were among the earliest police dogs and serve with honor in the military. Most important, they are popular family guardians and friends.
Like the mythical Greek hero Hercules, the Rottweiler is strong and true with a loving heart. Affectionately called Rotties or Rotts, the breed originated in Germany, where it was used to drive cattle and pull carts for farmers and butchers. That heritage is reflected in the Rottie's broad chest and heavily muscled body. When he moves, he displays strength and stamina, but when you look into his eyes you see warm, dark-brown pools reflecting a mellow, intelligent, alert, and fearless expression.
A well-bred Rottweiler is calm and confident. He's typically aloof toward strangers, but never timid or fearful. Rottweilers exhibit a "wait-and-see" attitude when confronted with new people and situations. When these characteristics come together as they should, the Rottweiler is a natural guard dog with a mellow disposition who is successful not only in police, military, and customs work, but also as a family friend and protector.
Rotties have a natural instinct to protect their families and can be ferocious in their defense. It's essential to channel their power and protectiveness by providing early socialization, firm, fair, consistent training and leadership, and a regular job to perform. When this doesn't happen, Rottweilers can become dangerous bullies rather than the companionable guardians they're meant to be.
Rottweilers walk a fine line between protectiveness and aggressiveness. If they aren't carefully bred for a calm, intelligent temperament and properly socialized and trained, they can become overly protective. That might sound like what you want, but a Rottie who lacks the ability to discriminate is dangerous to everyone he encounters, not just the bad guys.
You must be able to provide your Rottweiler with leadership he can trust and respect without resorting to anger or physical force. Otherwise, he'll take the role of top dog for himself. With a dog as powerful and intelligent as the Rottweiler, this is a recipe for disaster.
Despite what you might have heard, Rottweilers are not temperamentally unsound or inherently vicious. Well-bred, well-socialized Rotties are playful, gentle, and loving to their families. They are easy to train if treated with respect and make great companions.
As wonderful as Rottweilers can be, they aren't the dog for everyone. You must not only be dedicated to training and socializing your Rottie, you must also deal with people who don't understand the breed and prejudge it. Because of bad or tragic experiences with Rottweilers or other large breeds, some cities have banned the breed. It's unfair to judge an entire breed by the actions of a few, but it's a reality you will have to deal with if you own a Rottweiler.
You can do your part to redeem the reputation of the breed by training your Rottweiler to obey and respect people. Most important, don't put your Rottie in the backyard and forget about him. This is a dog who is loyal to his people and wants to be with them. If you give him the guidance and structure he needs, you'll be rewarded with one of the finest companions in the world.
Why the Rottweiler breed and not another one?
The Rottweiler is unique in the diversity of tasks and roles that it has played and can play in society. From its ancestor’s beginnings as a cattle driving dog and puller of carts the breed has been developed for use in a wide range of activities by modern man including service dogs, therapy animals, top-ranked obedience, tracking, and other performance dogs including use as search and rescue dogs across the country (even the World Trade Center recovery site). Their temperament and character as well as structure lends them to all of these activities and allows them to excel at each and every task they are asked to do.
What are the differences between American Rottweilers vs German ones, and working vs show lines?
There should be no difference in what some call American vs. German Rottweilers or in “show” vs. “working” lines. A Rottweiler genetically is a Rottweiler. Whether they are called German or American depends on where they were born. Most American Rottweilers descend directly from dogs produced in Germany thus the genetics are very similar between the two. There are varying types and looks of Rottweilers, some heavier, some lighter in both America and in Germany. Show and working Rottweilers should not look any different. Any generalization about one looking a certain way is not accurate. Some owners may keep working dogs at a lighter weight to produce less stress on them as they are performing various physical activities but the overall structure should be similar and identify clearly as a Rottweiler based upon the breed’s AKC or FCI standards. The Rottweilers across the world and in various types of homes have similar health concerns as described above.
The Meaning of Rottweiler Titles & Common Abbreviations and Terms
AAC Agility Association of Canada Organization
AAD Advanced Agility Dog
AADC Advanced Agility Dog of Canada
AAS Ausbildungsausschu�, German translation is Training Committee
ABST Advanced Breed Suitability Test (USRC)
AD Ausdauerpruefung, 12.5 mile endurance run
AD Agility Dog, (USDAA)
ADC Agility Dog of Canada
ADCH Agility Dog Champion
ADRK Allgemeiner Deutscher Rottweiler Klub, German Rottweiler Club
AFC AKC Amateur Field Trial Champion, Prefix Title
AHBA American Herding Breeds Association
AIRK Alliance of Independent Rottweiler Klubs
AJP AKC Excellent Agility Jumpers with Weaves, A Preferred, Suffix Title
AK(z) Ausbildungskennzeichen, German translation is Training Characteristic
AKC American Kennel Club
AOM Award of Merit Show Term
ARV American Rottweiler Verein
AT Ahnentafel, German Pedigree
ATD Advanced Trial Dog, ASCA Herding titles
AW Ausbildungswart
AX AKC Agility Excellent, Suffix Title
AXJ AKC Excellent Agility Jumper, Suffix Title
AXP AKC Agility Excellent, A Preferred, Suffix Title
AZG Arbeitsgemeinschaft der Zuchtvereine und Gebrauchshundverbande, German translation is Working Group of the Breeding Associations and Customs Dog Federations.
B Besitzer, German translation is Owner
B Begleithunde, Advanced Obedience Title, Same as BH
BAD Beginners JFF, Agility Title
BAER Brainstem Auditory Evoked Response
BAH Signifies a Bahamian Title from the BKC
BBT Basic Breed Test, no bite work (ARV)
BG Bezirksgruppe, German translation is Group of Districts
BH Begleithunde, Advanced Obedience Title
BH/VT Begleithundprufung/Verhaltenstest BHP 1 Beginning Schutzhund Equivalent
BHP 2 Intermediate Schutzhund Equivalent
BHP 3 Advanced Schutzhund Equivalent
BIH Blindenfuhrhund, Blind Leader Dog
BISA Awarded Best in Show at an AKC licensed All-Breed conformation show
BIS Best In Show
BISS Best In Specialty Show
BJ Broad Jump or Bar Jump
BJS (+year) Bundesjugendsieger, Federal Youth Winner
BKC Bahamas Kennel Club
BLH Blindenfuhrhund, Blind Leader Dog
B/OB Breed and Obedience offered at a show or match
BOB Best Of Breed
BOS Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Breed
BOSS Best of Opposite Sex, Specialty Show
BOW Best of Winners, the Best between the winners dog and winners bitch
BpDH1 Railway Police Dog
BpDH2 Railway Police Dog Advanced
BPIS Best puppy in show
Brevetto 1, 2 & 3 Equivalent to SchH format in Italy
BS (+year) Bundesieger (Federal Winner) Show Winner
BST Breed Suitability Test (USRC)
CAB 1 Beginning Schutzhund Equivalent Yugoslavia
CAB 2 Intermediate Schutzhund Equivalent Yugoslavia
CAB 3 Advanced Schutzhund Equivalent Yugoslavia
CAC A National Champion Title.
CACIB FCI International Champion Title
CAFC Canadian Amateur Field Champion
CAN Signifies a Canadian Title
CAT Coursing Ability Test
CC Coursing Champion
CD AKC Companion Dog, Advanced Obedience, Suffix Title
CDX AKC Companion Dog Excellent, Suffix Title
Cereco 1 Belgium Title, equivalent to IPO format
CERF Canine Eye Registry Foundation
CFC Canadian Field Champion
CG Certificate of Gameness
CGC Canine Good Citizen
CH Conformation Champion, Prefix Title
CHD Canine Hip Dysplasia
CKC Canadian Kennel Club
CKC Continental Kennel Club (Not a recognized registry)
CM Courser of Merit
CT AKC Champion Tracker, Prefix Title
DC AKC Dual Champion, Prefix Title
DD Draft dog (NCA) Working certificates
DH Service Dog
DHV Deutscher Hundesportverband, German translation is German Dog Haven Federation
DPH Service Police Dog
DJ Directed Jumping
DM-FH (+year) Deutsche Meisterschaft fur Fahrtenhunde, German Championship for Tracking Dogs
DM-SchH (+year) Deutsch Meistershaft Schutzhund Champion, German Champion
DM-VPG (+year) Deutsche Meisterschaft Vielseitigkeitsprufung fur Gebrauchshunde, German Championship Versatility Examination for Customs Dogs
DPO1 Diensthunde Prufungsordnung, Service Dog Beginning
DPO2 Diensthunde Prufungsordnung, Service Dog Advanced
DR Der Rottweiler (ADRK-Klubzeitschrift), The Rottweiler
Dt.VDH CH. Deutscher or German VDH champion
DVG Deutscher Verband der Gebrauchshundsportvereine or German Federation of the Customs Dog Sport Associations
EAC Elite Standard Agility Title
EAC-V Elite Standard Veterans Agility Title
EAC-JH Elite Standard Junior Handler Agility Title
Elbow Ratings:
ED/0, ED-Frei, OFA Normal Excellent
ED +/- Borderline (only in the ADRK)
ED/1, ED+ Mild osteoarthrosis
ED/2, ED++ Moderate signs of osteoarthrosis
ED/3, ED+++ Severe signs of osterarthrosis
EGC Elite Gamblers Agility Title
EGC-V Elite Gamblers Veterans Agility Title
EGC-JH Elite Gamblers Junior Handler Agility Title
Einfachzucht One parent has a schutzhund title
EJC Elite Jumpers
EJC-V Elite Jumpers Veterans
EJC-JH Elite Jumpers Junior Handler
EJS (+year) VDH-Europa-Jugendsieger, VDH-Europe Youth Sieger
ES (+year) VDH-Europa-Sieger, VDH-Europe Sieger
EzA Ende des zuchtverwendungsf�higen Alters or End of the Breeding Usable Age
FC AKC Field champion, Prefix Title
F.Ch. Field Champion
FCI Federation Cynologique Internationale Organization
FCI-ES FCI-Europasieger
FD Flyball Dog
FD Field Dog
FDJ Field Dog Junior
FDX Field Dog Excellent
FDX Flyball Dog Excellent
FDCh Flyball Dog Champion
FGDCh Flyball Grand Champion
FH Fahrtenhundprufung, Advanced tracking title
FHA 1, 2 & 3 Austrian title, equivalent to SchH format
FH1 Advanced tracking title
FH I Advanced tracking title
FH II Most Advanced Tracking Title
FH2 Most Advanced Tracking Title
FM Flyball Master
FMX Flyball Master Excellent
FMCh Flyball Master Champion
FTC AKC FAST Century, Agility Trial, Suffix Title
FTCP AKC FAST Century Preferred, Agility Trial, Suffix Title
G Conformation show Rating of Good
Games I, II, III JFF Agility Titles
GDC9999E99N GDC Elbow Certification Number
GDC9999H99N GDC Hip Certification Number
GDSC AKC Gun Dog Stake Champion, Prefix Title
Gebrauchshundzucht Both parents have schutzhund titles
Gekort bis (date) Korung, Advanced Breed Test
Gekort bis EzA Korung, Lifetime Breed Test
GM Gambler Master Agility Title
GMHR Grand Master Hunting Retriever
Gr. 1 through 4 Conformation Group Placement
GR.Ch. Grand Champion (CKC, UKC)
HC AKC Herding Champion, Prefix Title
HCH Herding Champion prefix
HCT Herding Capable Tested
Hip Ratings:
HD Hip Dysplasia
HD/A, HD-Frei, HD/0, OFA "E" Excellent
HD/B, HD +/-, HD-TC, HD/1, OFA "G" Good
HD/C, HD+, HD/2, OFA "F" Fair
HD/D, HD ++, HD/3 Middle dysplasia - Unbreedable
HD/E, HD+++, HD/4 Severe dysplasia - Unbreedable
HD-, HD+/-, HD+, HD++ European Hip Ratings
HGH Herding Dog
HI AKC Herding Intermediate, Suffix Title
HIAdsc AKC Herding Intermediate Course A (ducks, sheep, cattle), Suffix Title
HIBdsc AKC Herding Intermediate Course B (ducks, sheep, cattle), Suffix Title
HICs AKC Herding Intermediate Course C (sheep), Suffix Title
HIC Herding Instinct Certified
HIT High In Trial
HITs Herding Instinct Tested in Sheep
HITd Herding Instinct Tested in Ducks
HITg Herding Instinct Tested in Goats
HRD1- Herding Ranch Dog level 1- AHBA
HRD2- Herding Ranch Dog level 1- AHBA
HRD3- Herding Ranch Dog level 1- AHBA
HS AKC Herding Started, Suffix Title
HSAdsc AKC Herding Started Course A (ducks, sheep, cattle), Suffix Title
HSBdsc AKC Herding Started Course B (ducks, sheep, cattle), Suffix Title
HSCs AKC Herding Started Course C (sheep), Suffix Title
HT AKC Herding Tested, Suffix Title
HTD1 Herding Trial Dog, First Level
HTD2 Herding Trial Dog, Second Level
HTD3 Herding Trial Dog, Third Level
HX AKC Herding Excellent, Suffix Title
HXAdsc AKC Herding Advanced Course A (ducks, sheep, cattle), Suffix Title HXBdsc AKC Herding Advanced Course B (ducks, sheep, cattle), Suffix Title HXCs AKC Herding Advanced Course C (sheep), Suffix Title
IABCA International All Breed Canine Association Organization
IAD Intermediate JFF Agility Title
IFR International Friends of the Rottweiler
IFR Sgr'(yr) IFR International Show Sieger
ILP Indefinite Listing Privilege
Int. Ch. International Champion
Intl. CH. International Champion
Int.VDH-CH International Champion (VDH) Int./DT.VDH-CH International and German Champion (VDH)
IPO I Beginning Level, International Schutzhund Trial Rules
IPO II Intermediate Level, International Schutzhund Trial Rules
IPO III Advanced Competition Level of IPO
IWR 1, 2 & 3 IPO Equivalent for Belgium
IWT 1, 2 & 3 IPO Equivalent for Africa
JC AKC Junior Courser, Lure Coursing, Suffix Title
JE AKC Junior Earthdog, Suffix Title
JFF Just For Fun Agility
JH AKC Junior Hunter, Suffix Title
JHD Junior Herd Dog
JM Jumpers Master
JWD Junior Working Dog
JWW Jumpers With Weaves
KJS (+year) Klubjugendsieger, ADRK Klub Sieger Show Youth Winner
KKL I (Korklasse I) Recommended for breeding
KKL II (Korklasse II) Suitable for breeding
KLZ Kor and Achievement Breed
Koerzucht Both parents have Schutzhund Titles and Korungs; one or more of the Grandparents do not have a Schutzhund Title
Koer-Und Leistungszucht Both parents have Schutzhund Titles and Korungs; all 4 Grandparents have Schutzhund Titles
Koerung Preferred breeding status for 2 years
Korung Preferred breeding status for 2 years
KS (+year) Klubsieger, ADRK Klub Sieger Show Winner
KSZ Klubsieger-Zuchtschau, ADRK National Show
KZ Korzucht
LawH Lawinenhung, Avalanche Dog
LBST Lifetime Breed Suitability Test (USRC)
LCM Lure Courser of Merit
LCM2 Lure Courser of Merit 2
LCX AKC Lure Courser Excellent, Suffix Title
Leg A qualifying score in obedience
Leistungszucht Both Parents and all 4 Grandparents have Schutzhund Titles
LG Landesgruppe or Regional Committee
LP Listing Privilege
LS Leistungszucht, Parents and Grandparents have SchH degrees
LwH Lawinenhung, Avalanche Dog
M Mother
MC AKC Master Courser, Suffix Title
MM Mothers Mother, Maternal Grandmother
MV Mothers Father, Maternal Grandfather
MACH AKC Master Agility Champion, Prefix Title
MAD Master Agility Dog
MADC Master Agility Dog of Canada
MBAD Mulligan Beginners JFF Agility Title
ME AKC Master Earthdog, Suffix Title
MFP AKC Master Excellent FAST Preferred, Suffix Title
MH AKC Master Hunter, Suffix Title
MHR Master Hunting Retriever
MIAD Mulligan Intermediate JFF Agility Title
Mil Dh Militar Diensthund, Military Service Dog
MJP AKC Master Excellent Jumpers with Weaves, B Preferred, Suffix Title
MOTCh CKC Masters Obedience Trial Champion
MSAD Mulligan Superior JFF Agility Title
MWD Master Working Dog
MX AKC Master Agility Excellent, Suffix Title
MXF AKC Masters Excellent FAST, Suffix Title
MXJ AKC Master Excellent Jumpers With Weaves, Suffix Title
MXP AKC Master Agility Excellent, B Preferred, Suffix Title
NA AKC Novice Agility, Suffix Title
NAC AKC National Agility Champion, Prefix Title
NAC Novice Standard Agility
NACA North American Coursing Association
NACC Coursing Champion NACA
NAC-JH Novice Standard Junior Handler Agility
NACM Courser of Merit
NAC-V Novice Standard Veterans Agility
NADAC North American Dog Agility Council
NAFC AKC National Amateur Field Champion, Prefix Title
NAGDC AKC National Amateur Gundog Champion, Prefix Title
NAJ AKC Novice Agility Jumper, Suffix Title
NAP AKC Novice Agility Preferred, Suffix Title
NAOFA North American Open Field Association
NASA North American Schutzhund Association
NATCh Agility Trial Champion
NCG-JH Novice Gamblers Junior Handler Agility
NF AKC Novice FAST, Agility Trial, Suffix Title
NFC AKC National Field Champion (Hunting), Prefix Title
NFP AKC Novice FAST Preferred, Agility Trial, Suffix Title
NGC Novice Gamblers Agility
NGC-V Novice Gamblers Veterans
NGDC AKC National Gundog Champion, Prefix Title
NIRK National Independent Rottweiler Klub
NJC Novice Jumpers
NJC-JH Novice Jumpers Junior Handler
NJC-V Novice Jumpers Veterans
NJP AKC Novice Jumpers with Weaves Preferred, Suffix Title
NOC AKC National Obedience Champion, Prefix Title
NOGDC AKC National Open Gun Dog Champion, Prefix Title
NS (+year) Sieger/Siegerin, Winner of title at National Sieger Show
NSchHCh (+year) USRC National Schutzhund Champion
NYS'(year) Youth Sieger/Siegerin, Winner of title at National Sieger Show
O Outstanding, prefixed to Agility Titles
OA AKC Open Agility, Suffix Title
OAC Open Standard Agility Title
OAC-JH Open Standard Junior Handler Agility Title
OAC-V Open Standard Veterans Agility Title
OAJ AKC Open Agility Jumper, Suffix Title
OAP AKC Open Agility Preferred, Suffix Title
OB Obedience
O-BJS (+year) Osterreichischer Bundesjugendsieger, Austrian National Youth Show Winner
O-BS (+year) Osterreichischer Bundessieger, Austrian National Show Winner
OCG-JH Open Gamblers Junior Handler Agility Title
OF AKC Open FAST, Agility Trial, Suffix Title
OFA Orthopedic Foundation for Animals
OFP AKC Open FAST Preferred, Agility Trial, Suffix Title
OGC Open Gamblers Agility Title
OGC-V Open Gamblers Veterans
OJBS (+year) Osterreichischer Bundesjugendsieger, Austrian National Youth Show Winner
OJC Open Jumpers
OJC-JH Open Jumpers Junior Handler
OJC-V Open Jumpers Veterans
OJP AKC Open Jumpers with Weaves Preferred, Suffix Title
OKS (+year) Osterreichischer Bundessieger, Austrian National Show Winner
ONYX Flyball Award
OS (+year) Osterreichischer Bundessieger, Austrian National Show Winner
OTCH AKC Obedience Trial Champion, Prefix Title
OTChX CKC Obedience Trial Champion Excellent
OTD Open Trial Dog Herding
OVC The Ontario Veterinary College, Canadian Hip Certification Registration
PAX AKC Preferred Agility Excellent, Suffix Title
PCD Pre Companion Dog
PD I and II Police Dog Title from England
PFP 1 & 2 Police Tracking Dog
PH Police Dog
Pink Papered Parents & Grand Parents with SchH titles or both parents with a Korung
PM Pairs Master Agility Title
PSP 1, 2 and 3 Polizeischutzhund, Police Protection Dog, Beginning, Intermediate, Advanced
PT AKC Pre-trial Tested, Herding Trial, Suffix Title
RA AKC Rally Advanced, Rally Trial, Suffix Title
RAE AKC Rally Advanced Excellent, Rally Trial, Suffix Title
RD Ranch Dog ASCA Herding titles
RD Road Dog (DCA) Working certificates
RDX Road Dog Excellent (DCA) Working certificates
RE AKC Rally Excellent, Rally Trial, Suffix Title
RGDSC AKC Retrieving Gun Dog Stake Champion, Prefix Title
RH Rettungschund, Rescue Dog
RN AKC Rally Novice, Rally Trial, Suffix Title
RO-9999/99-99 CERF Certification Number
RO-99999E99F-T OFA Hip Certification Number
RO-CA999/99F/P-T OFA Cardiac Certification Number
RO-EL9999-T OFA Elbow Certification Number
RO-PA99/99/F-T OFA Patellar Certification Number
RO-TH9/99F-T OFA Thyroid Certification Number
ROF Retrieve on the Flat
ROH Retrieve over the High Jump
ROM Register of Merit
RS (+year) Sieger/Siegerin, Winner of Title at Regional Sieger Show
RTD Registered Therapy Dog
RtH Rettungschund, Rescue Dog
RYS (+year) Youth Sieger/Siegerin, Winner of title at Regional Sieger Show
RW German abbreviation for Rottweiler
RWD Reserve Winner's Dog
RWB Reserve Winner's Bitch
S Superior Performance, prefixed to NADAC Agility Titles
SA Select Adult Winner
SAD Superior JFF Agility Title
SC AKC Senior Courser, Lure Coursing, Suffix Title
SchH, SchHB, SchHC Equivalent to SchH format in Switzerland
SchHA Obedience and Protection portion of Schutzhund, No tracking
SchH I Elementary level Schutzhund title
SchH1 Elementary level Schutzhund title
SchH II Intermediate level Schutzhund title
SchH2 Intermediate level Schutzhund title
SchH III Advanced level Schutzhund title
SchH3 Advanced level Schutzhund title
SE AKC Senior Earthdog, Suffix Title
Select Judges Award of Merit, National Specialty Only
SG Sehr Gut - A German rating of Very Good
SGR Sieger, Male Champion
SGRN Siegerin, Female Champion
SH AKC Senior Hunter, Suffix Title
SHSB Schweizer Hundestammbuch, Swiss Dog Registry
SK 1 IPO 1 Equivalent from Finland
SM Snooker Master (USDAA) Agility Titles
SPH FH Equivalent from Holland
SR Started Retriever (NAHRA) Hunt Test Titles
STD Started Trial Dog ASCA Herding titles
SWD Senior Working Dog (AWSFA) Working certificates
SY Select Youth, Winner of title at Club Conformation Show
SZL 1, 2 & 3 Schutzhund Equivalent from Holland
TC AKC Triple Champion, Prefix Title
TD AKC Tracking Dog, Tracking Test, Suffix Title
TD Therapy Dog
TDD Team draft dog
TDI Therapy Dog International
TDX AKC Tracking Dog Excellent, Tracking Test, Suffix Title
TT Temperament Tested
U-AGI Agility I
U-AGII Agility II
U-ACH Agility Champion
U-ACHX Agility Champion Excellent
U-CD Companion Dog (UKC)
U-CDX Companion Dog Excellent (UKC)
U-OTCh Obedience Trial Champion
U-UD Utility Dog (UKC)
UCI Union Cynologie International
UD AKC Utility Dog, Obedience Trial, Suffix Title
UDT Utility Dog title with a Tracking Dog title
UDTX Utility Dog title with a Tracking Dog Excellent title
UDVST Utility Dog title/Variable Surface Tracking title
UDX AKC Utility Dog Excellent, Obedience Trial, Suffix Title
UKC United Kennel Club
USA United Schutzhund Club of America Organization
USDAA United States Dog Agility Association
USRC United States Rottweiler Club
UTD Urban Tracking Dog
UTDX Urban Tracking Dog Excellent
V Father
-V Veterans suffix to any NADAC Agility Title
V Vorzuglich, Excellent Rating at a European style Rottweiler Show
V-Rated Vorzuglich, Excellent Rating at a European style Rottweiler Show
V-1 Excellent Rating First Place Winner at Sieger Show
V-2 Excellent Rating Second Place Winner at Sieger Show
V-3 Excellent Rating Third Place Winner at Sieger Show
V-4 Excellent Rating Fouth Place Winner at Sieger Show
VAD Veteran Agility Dog
VAAD Veteran Advanced Agility Dog
VCCH AKC Versatile Companion Champion, Prefix Title
VCD1 AKC Versatile Companion Dog 1, Obedience Trial/Agility Trial/Tracking Test, Suffix Title
VCD2 AKC Versatile Companion Dog 2, Obedience Trial/Agility Trial/Tracking Test, Suffix Title
VCD3 AKC Versatile Companion Dog 3, Obedience Trial/Agility Trial/Tracking Test, Suffix Title
VCD4 AKC Versatile Companion Dog 4, Obedience Trial/Agility Trial/Tracking Test, Suffix Title
VDH Verband fur das Deutsche Hundewesen, German Kennel Club
VDH CH German Champion
VG Veterans Gambler Agility
VH 1, 2 & 3 Schutzhund Equivalent from Holland
Vice Sieger Runner up (Second) to show Sieger Title (This is not a real title. No organization awards this title.)
Vice Siegerin Runner up (Second) to show Siegerin Title (This is not a real title. No organization awards this title.)
Vice Youth Sieger Runner up (Second) to show Youth Sieger Title (This is not a real title. No organization awards this title.)
Vice Youth Siegerin Runner up (Second) to show Youth Siegerin Title (This is not a real title. No organization awards this title.)
VJ Veterans Jumper
VM Fathers Mother, Paternal Grandmother
VMAD Veteran Master Agility Dog
VPD Veteran Performance Dog Agility
VPG I Elementary level Schutzhund title
VPG1 Elementary level Schutzhund title
VPG II Intermediate level Schutzhund title
VPG2 Intermediate level Schutzhund title
VPG III Advanced level Schutzhund title
VPG3 Advanced level Schutzhund title
VS Veterans Snooker Agility
VST AKC Variable Surface Tracking, Suffix Title
VV Fathers Father, Paternal Grandfather
WB Winner's Bitch (takes the points)
WC Working Certificate
WCI Working Certificate Intermediate
WCX Working Certificate Excellent
WD Winner's Dog (takes the points)
WD Working Dog (AWSC) Working certificates
WD Water dog
WDA Working Dog Association
WDQ working dog qualified
WDS Working Dog Superior
WDX Working Dog Excellent
WH Watchdog
WJS (+year) Weltjugendsieger, World Youth Sieger
WR Working Retriever
WRD Water rescue dog (NCA)
WS (+year) Weltsieger, World Sieger
WT Birth Date
WTCH Working Trial Champion-prefix ASCA Herding titles
XF AKC Excellent FAST, Agility Trial, Suffix Title
XFP AKC Excellent FAST Preferred, Agility Trial, Suffix Title
Z Zuchter, Breeder
ZB-Nr Zuchtbuch-Nummer, Registration Number
ZFH Customs Tracking Dog
ZH 1, 2 & 3 Customs Dog
ZtP Zuchttanglichkeitsprunfung, Breed Suitability Test
ZtPr German breed suitability test, includes measuring weighing & character testing
ZVV 1, 2, & 3 Schutzhund Equivalent from Hungary, Czech and Poland
AAD Advanced Agility Dog
AADC Advanced Agility Dog of Canada
AAS Ausbildungsausschu�, German translation is Training Committee
ABST Advanced Breed Suitability Test (USRC)
AD Ausdauerpruefung, 12.5 mile endurance run
AD Agility Dog, (USDAA)
ADC Agility Dog of Canada
ADCH Agility Dog Champion
ADRK Allgemeiner Deutscher Rottweiler Klub, German Rottweiler Club
AFC AKC Amateur Field Trial Champion, Prefix Title
AHBA American Herding Breeds Association
AIRK Alliance of Independent Rottweiler Klubs
AJP AKC Excellent Agility Jumpers with Weaves, A Preferred, Suffix Title
AK(z) Ausbildungskennzeichen, German translation is Training Characteristic
AKC American Kennel Club
AOM Award of Merit Show Term
ARV American Rottweiler Verein
AT Ahnentafel, German Pedigree
ATD Advanced Trial Dog, ASCA Herding titles
AW Ausbildungswart
AX AKC Agility Excellent, Suffix Title
AXJ AKC Excellent Agility Jumper, Suffix Title
AXP AKC Agility Excellent, A Preferred, Suffix Title
AZG Arbeitsgemeinschaft der Zuchtvereine und Gebrauchshundverbande, German translation is Working Group of the Breeding Associations and Customs Dog Federations.
B Besitzer, German translation is Owner
B Begleithunde, Advanced Obedience Title, Same as BH
BAD Beginners JFF, Agility Title
BAER Brainstem Auditory Evoked Response
BAH Signifies a Bahamian Title from the BKC
BBT Basic Breed Test, no bite work (ARV)
BG Bezirksgruppe, German translation is Group of Districts
BH Begleithunde, Advanced Obedience Title
BH/VT Begleithundprufung/Verhaltenstest BHP 1 Beginning Schutzhund Equivalent
BHP 2 Intermediate Schutzhund Equivalent
BHP 3 Advanced Schutzhund Equivalent
BIH Blindenfuhrhund, Blind Leader Dog
BISA Awarded Best in Show at an AKC licensed All-Breed conformation show
BIS Best In Show
BISS Best In Specialty Show
BJ Broad Jump or Bar Jump
BJS (+year) Bundesjugendsieger, Federal Youth Winner
BKC Bahamas Kennel Club
BLH Blindenfuhrhund, Blind Leader Dog
B/OB Breed and Obedience offered at a show or match
BOB Best Of Breed
BOS Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Breed
BOSS Best of Opposite Sex, Specialty Show
BOW Best of Winners, the Best between the winners dog and winners bitch
BpDH1 Railway Police Dog
BpDH2 Railway Police Dog Advanced
BPIS Best puppy in show
Brevetto 1, 2 & 3 Equivalent to SchH format in Italy
BS (+year) Bundesieger (Federal Winner) Show Winner
BST Breed Suitability Test (USRC)
CAB 1 Beginning Schutzhund Equivalent Yugoslavia
CAB 2 Intermediate Schutzhund Equivalent Yugoslavia
CAB 3 Advanced Schutzhund Equivalent Yugoslavia
CAC A National Champion Title.
CACIB FCI International Champion Title
CAFC Canadian Amateur Field Champion
CAN Signifies a Canadian Title
CAT Coursing Ability Test
CC Coursing Champion
CD AKC Companion Dog, Advanced Obedience, Suffix Title
CDX AKC Companion Dog Excellent, Suffix Title
Cereco 1 Belgium Title, equivalent to IPO format
CERF Canine Eye Registry Foundation
CFC Canadian Field Champion
CG Certificate of Gameness
CGC Canine Good Citizen
CH Conformation Champion, Prefix Title
CHD Canine Hip Dysplasia
CKC Canadian Kennel Club
CKC Continental Kennel Club (Not a recognized registry)
CM Courser of Merit
CT AKC Champion Tracker, Prefix Title
DC AKC Dual Champion, Prefix Title
DD Draft dog (NCA) Working certificates
DH Service Dog
DHV Deutscher Hundesportverband, German translation is German Dog Haven Federation
DPH Service Police Dog
DJ Directed Jumping
DM-FH (+year) Deutsche Meisterschaft fur Fahrtenhunde, German Championship for Tracking Dogs
DM-SchH (+year) Deutsch Meistershaft Schutzhund Champion, German Champion
DM-VPG (+year) Deutsche Meisterschaft Vielseitigkeitsprufung fur Gebrauchshunde, German Championship Versatility Examination for Customs Dogs
DPO1 Diensthunde Prufungsordnung, Service Dog Beginning
DPO2 Diensthunde Prufungsordnung, Service Dog Advanced
DR Der Rottweiler (ADRK-Klubzeitschrift), The Rottweiler
Dt.VDH CH. Deutscher or German VDH champion
DVG Deutscher Verband der Gebrauchshundsportvereine or German Federation of the Customs Dog Sport Associations
EAC Elite Standard Agility Title
EAC-V Elite Standard Veterans Agility Title
EAC-JH Elite Standard Junior Handler Agility Title
Elbow Ratings:
ED/0, ED-Frei, OFA Normal Excellent
ED +/- Borderline (only in the ADRK)
ED/1, ED+ Mild osteoarthrosis
ED/2, ED++ Moderate signs of osteoarthrosis
ED/3, ED+++ Severe signs of osterarthrosis
EGC Elite Gamblers Agility Title
EGC-V Elite Gamblers Veterans Agility Title
EGC-JH Elite Gamblers Junior Handler Agility Title
Einfachzucht One parent has a schutzhund title
EJC Elite Jumpers
EJC-V Elite Jumpers Veterans
EJC-JH Elite Jumpers Junior Handler
EJS (+year) VDH-Europa-Jugendsieger, VDH-Europe Youth Sieger
ES (+year) VDH-Europa-Sieger, VDH-Europe Sieger
EzA Ende des zuchtverwendungsf�higen Alters or End of the Breeding Usable Age
FC AKC Field champion, Prefix Title
F.Ch. Field Champion
FCI Federation Cynologique Internationale Organization
FCI-ES FCI-Europasieger
FD Flyball Dog
FD Field Dog
FDJ Field Dog Junior
FDX Field Dog Excellent
FDX Flyball Dog Excellent
FDCh Flyball Dog Champion
FGDCh Flyball Grand Champion
FH Fahrtenhundprufung, Advanced tracking title
FHA 1, 2 & 3 Austrian title, equivalent to SchH format
FH1 Advanced tracking title
FH I Advanced tracking title
FH II Most Advanced Tracking Title
FH2 Most Advanced Tracking Title
FM Flyball Master
FMX Flyball Master Excellent
FMCh Flyball Master Champion
FTC AKC FAST Century, Agility Trial, Suffix Title
FTCP AKC FAST Century Preferred, Agility Trial, Suffix Title
G Conformation show Rating of Good
Games I, II, III JFF Agility Titles
GDC9999E99N GDC Elbow Certification Number
GDC9999H99N GDC Hip Certification Number
GDSC AKC Gun Dog Stake Champion, Prefix Title
Gebrauchshundzucht Both parents have schutzhund titles
Gekort bis (date) Korung, Advanced Breed Test
Gekort bis EzA Korung, Lifetime Breed Test
GM Gambler Master Agility Title
GMHR Grand Master Hunting Retriever
Gr. 1 through 4 Conformation Group Placement
GR.Ch. Grand Champion (CKC, UKC)
HC AKC Herding Champion, Prefix Title
HCH Herding Champion prefix
HCT Herding Capable Tested
Hip Ratings:
HD Hip Dysplasia
HD/A, HD-Frei, HD/0, OFA "E" Excellent
HD/B, HD +/-, HD-TC, HD/1, OFA "G" Good
HD/C, HD+, HD/2, OFA "F" Fair
HD/D, HD ++, HD/3 Middle dysplasia - Unbreedable
HD/E, HD+++, HD/4 Severe dysplasia - Unbreedable
HD-, HD+/-, HD+, HD++ European Hip Ratings
HGH Herding Dog
HI AKC Herding Intermediate, Suffix Title
HIAdsc AKC Herding Intermediate Course A (ducks, sheep, cattle), Suffix Title
HIBdsc AKC Herding Intermediate Course B (ducks, sheep, cattle), Suffix Title
HICs AKC Herding Intermediate Course C (sheep), Suffix Title
HIC Herding Instinct Certified
HIT High In Trial
HITs Herding Instinct Tested in Sheep
HITd Herding Instinct Tested in Ducks
HITg Herding Instinct Tested in Goats
HRD1- Herding Ranch Dog level 1- AHBA
HRD2- Herding Ranch Dog level 1- AHBA
HRD3- Herding Ranch Dog level 1- AHBA
HS AKC Herding Started, Suffix Title
HSAdsc AKC Herding Started Course A (ducks, sheep, cattle), Suffix Title
HSBdsc AKC Herding Started Course B (ducks, sheep, cattle), Suffix Title
HSCs AKC Herding Started Course C (sheep), Suffix Title
HT AKC Herding Tested, Suffix Title
HTD1 Herding Trial Dog, First Level
HTD2 Herding Trial Dog, Second Level
HTD3 Herding Trial Dog, Third Level
HX AKC Herding Excellent, Suffix Title
HXAdsc AKC Herding Advanced Course A (ducks, sheep, cattle), Suffix Title HXBdsc AKC Herding Advanced Course B (ducks, sheep, cattle), Suffix Title HXCs AKC Herding Advanced Course C (sheep), Suffix Title
IABCA International All Breed Canine Association Organization
IAD Intermediate JFF Agility Title
IFR International Friends of the Rottweiler
IFR Sgr'(yr) IFR International Show Sieger
ILP Indefinite Listing Privilege
Int. Ch. International Champion
Intl. CH. International Champion
Int.VDH-CH International Champion (VDH) Int./DT.VDH-CH International and German Champion (VDH)
IPO I Beginning Level, International Schutzhund Trial Rules
IPO II Intermediate Level, International Schutzhund Trial Rules
IPO III Advanced Competition Level of IPO
IWR 1, 2 & 3 IPO Equivalent for Belgium
IWT 1, 2 & 3 IPO Equivalent for Africa
JC AKC Junior Courser, Lure Coursing, Suffix Title
JE AKC Junior Earthdog, Suffix Title
JFF Just For Fun Agility
JH AKC Junior Hunter, Suffix Title
JHD Junior Herd Dog
JM Jumpers Master
JWD Junior Working Dog
JWW Jumpers With Weaves
KJS (+year) Klubjugendsieger, ADRK Klub Sieger Show Youth Winner
KKL I (Korklasse I) Recommended for breeding
KKL II (Korklasse II) Suitable for breeding
KLZ Kor and Achievement Breed
Koerzucht Both parents have Schutzhund Titles and Korungs; one or more of the Grandparents do not have a Schutzhund Title
Koer-Und Leistungszucht Both parents have Schutzhund Titles and Korungs; all 4 Grandparents have Schutzhund Titles
Koerung Preferred breeding status for 2 years
Korung Preferred breeding status for 2 years
KS (+year) Klubsieger, ADRK Klub Sieger Show Winner
KSZ Klubsieger-Zuchtschau, ADRK National Show
KZ Korzucht
LawH Lawinenhung, Avalanche Dog
LBST Lifetime Breed Suitability Test (USRC)
LCM Lure Courser of Merit
LCM2 Lure Courser of Merit 2
LCX AKC Lure Courser Excellent, Suffix Title
Leg A qualifying score in obedience
Leistungszucht Both Parents and all 4 Grandparents have Schutzhund Titles
LG Landesgruppe or Regional Committee
LP Listing Privilege
LS Leistungszucht, Parents and Grandparents have SchH degrees
LwH Lawinenhung, Avalanche Dog
M Mother
MC AKC Master Courser, Suffix Title
MM Mothers Mother, Maternal Grandmother
MV Mothers Father, Maternal Grandfather
MACH AKC Master Agility Champion, Prefix Title
MAD Master Agility Dog
MADC Master Agility Dog of Canada
MBAD Mulligan Beginners JFF Agility Title
ME AKC Master Earthdog, Suffix Title
MFP AKC Master Excellent FAST Preferred, Suffix Title
MH AKC Master Hunter, Suffix Title
MHR Master Hunting Retriever
MIAD Mulligan Intermediate JFF Agility Title
Mil Dh Militar Diensthund, Military Service Dog
MJP AKC Master Excellent Jumpers with Weaves, B Preferred, Suffix Title
MOTCh CKC Masters Obedience Trial Champion
MSAD Mulligan Superior JFF Agility Title
MWD Master Working Dog
MX AKC Master Agility Excellent, Suffix Title
MXF AKC Masters Excellent FAST, Suffix Title
MXJ AKC Master Excellent Jumpers With Weaves, Suffix Title
MXP AKC Master Agility Excellent, B Preferred, Suffix Title
NA AKC Novice Agility, Suffix Title
NAC AKC National Agility Champion, Prefix Title
NAC Novice Standard Agility
NACA North American Coursing Association
NACC Coursing Champion NACA
NAC-JH Novice Standard Junior Handler Agility
NACM Courser of Merit
NAC-V Novice Standard Veterans Agility
NADAC North American Dog Agility Council
NAFC AKC National Amateur Field Champion, Prefix Title
NAGDC AKC National Amateur Gundog Champion, Prefix Title
NAJ AKC Novice Agility Jumper, Suffix Title
NAP AKC Novice Agility Preferred, Suffix Title
NAOFA North American Open Field Association
NASA North American Schutzhund Association
NATCh Agility Trial Champion
NCG-JH Novice Gamblers Junior Handler Agility
NF AKC Novice FAST, Agility Trial, Suffix Title
NFC AKC National Field Champion (Hunting), Prefix Title
NFP AKC Novice FAST Preferred, Agility Trial, Suffix Title
NGC Novice Gamblers Agility
NGC-V Novice Gamblers Veterans
NGDC AKC National Gundog Champion, Prefix Title
NIRK National Independent Rottweiler Klub
NJC Novice Jumpers
NJC-JH Novice Jumpers Junior Handler
NJC-V Novice Jumpers Veterans
NJP AKC Novice Jumpers with Weaves Preferred, Suffix Title
NOC AKC National Obedience Champion, Prefix Title
NOGDC AKC National Open Gun Dog Champion, Prefix Title
NS (+year) Sieger/Siegerin, Winner of title at National Sieger Show
NSchHCh (+year) USRC National Schutzhund Champion
NYS'(year) Youth Sieger/Siegerin, Winner of title at National Sieger Show
O Outstanding, prefixed to Agility Titles
OA AKC Open Agility, Suffix Title
OAC Open Standard Agility Title
OAC-JH Open Standard Junior Handler Agility Title
OAC-V Open Standard Veterans Agility Title
OAJ AKC Open Agility Jumper, Suffix Title
OAP AKC Open Agility Preferred, Suffix Title
OB Obedience
O-BJS (+year) Osterreichischer Bundesjugendsieger, Austrian National Youth Show Winner
O-BS (+year) Osterreichischer Bundessieger, Austrian National Show Winner
OCG-JH Open Gamblers Junior Handler Agility Title
OF AKC Open FAST, Agility Trial, Suffix Title
OFA Orthopedic Foundation for Animals
OFP AKC Open FAST Preferred, Agility Trial, Suffix Title
OGC Open Gamblers Agility Title
OGC-V Open Gamblers Veterans
OJBS (+year) Osterreichischer Bundesjugendsieger, Austrian National Youth Show Winner
OJC Open Jumpers
OJC-JH Open Jumpers Junior Handler
OJC-V Open Jumpers Veterans
OJP AKC Open Jumpers with Weaves Preferred, Suffix Title
OKS (+year) Osterreichischer Bundessieger, Austrian National Show Winner
ONYX Flyball Award
OS (+year) Osterreichischer Bundessieger, Austrian National Show Winner
OTCH AKC Obedience Trial Champion, Prefix Title
OTChX CKC Obedience Trial Champion Excellent
OTD Open Trial Dog Herding
OVC The Ontario Veterinary College, Canadian Hip Certification Registration
PAX AKC Preferred Agility Excellent, Suffix Title
PCD Pre Companion Dog
PD I and II Police Dog Title from England
PFP 1 & 2 Police Tracking Dog
PH Police Dog
Pink Papered Parents & Grand Parents with SchH titles or both parents with a Korung
PM Pairs Master Agility Title
PSP 1, 2 and 3 Polizeischutzhund, Police Protection Dog, Beginning, Intermediate, Advanced
PT AKC Pre-trial Tested, Herding Trial, Suffix Title
RA AKC Rally Advanced, Rally Trial, Suffix Title
RAE AKC Rally Advanced Excellent, Rally Trial, Suffix Title
RD Ranch Dog ASCA Herding titles
RD Road Dog (DCA) Working certificates
RDX Road Dog Excellent (DCA) Working certificates
RE AKC Rally Excellent, Rally Trial, Suffix Title
RGDSC AKC Retrieving Gun Dog Stake Champion, Prefix Title
RH Rettungschund, Rescue Dog
RN AKC Rally Novice, Rally Trial, Suffix Title
RO-9999/99-99 CERF Certification Number
RO-99999E99F-T OFA Hip Certification Number
RO-CA999/99F/P-T OFA Cardiac Certification Number
RO-EL9999-T OFA Elbow Certification Number
RO-PA99/99/F-T OFA Patellar Certification Number
RO-TH9/99F-T OFA Thyroid Certification Number
ROF Retrieve on the Flat
ROH Retrieve over the High Jump
ROM Register of Merit
RS (+year) Sieger/Siegerin, Winner of Title at Regional Sieger Show
RTD Registered Therapy Dog
RtH Rettungschund, Rescue Dog
RYS (+year) Youth Sieger/Siegerin, Winner of title at Regional Sieger Show
RW German abbreviation for Rottweiler
RWD Reserve Winner's Dog
RWB Reserve Winner's Bitch
S Superior Performance, prefixed to NADAC Agility Titles
SA Select Adult Winner
SAD Superior JFF Agility Title
SC AKC Senior Courser, Lure Coursing, Suffix Title
SchH, SchHB, SchHC Equivalent to SchH format in Switzerland
SchHA Obedience and Protection portion of Schutzhund, No tracking
SchH I Elementary level Schutzhund title
SchH1 Elementary level Schutzhund title
SchH II Intermediate level Schutzhund title
SchH2 Intermediate level Schutzhund title
SchH III Advanced level Schutzhund title
SchH3 Advanced level Schutzhund title
SE AKC Senior Earthdog, Suffix Title
Select Judges Award of Merit, National Specialty Only
SG Sehr Gut - A German rating of Very Good
SGR Sieger, Male Champion
SGRN Siegerin, Female Champion
SH AKC Senior Hunter, Suffix Title
SHSB Schweizer Hundestammbuch, Swiss Dog Registry
SK 1 IPO 1 Equivalent from Finland
SM Snooker Master (USDAA) Agility Titles
SPH FH Equivalent from Holland
SR Started Retriever (NAHRA) Hunt Test Titles
STD Started Trial Dog ASCA Herding titles
SWD Senior Working Dog (AWSFA) Working certificates
SY Select Youth, Winner of title at Club Conformation Show
SZL 1, 2 & 3 Schutzhund Equivalent from Holland
TC AKC Triple Champion, Prefix Title
TD AKC Tracking Dog, Tracking Test, Suffix Title
TD Therapy Dog
TDD Team draft dog
TDI Therapy Dog International
TDX AKC Tracking Dog Excellent, Tracking Test, Suffix Title
TT Temperament Tested
U-AGI Agility I
U-AGII Agility II
U-ACH Agility Champion
U-ACHX Agility Champion Excellent
U-CD Companion Dog (UKC)
U-CDX Companion Dog Excellent (UKC)
U-OTCh Obedience Trial Champion
U-UD Utility Dog (UKC)
UCI Union Cynologie International
UD AKC Utility Dog, Obedience Trial, Suffix Title
UDT Utility Dog title with a Tracking Dog title
UDTX Utility Dog title with a Tracking Dog Excellent title
UDVST Utility Dog title/Variable Surface Tracking title
UDX AKC Utility Dog Excellent, Obedience Trial, Suffix Title
UKC United Kennel Club
USA United Schutzhund Club of America Organization
USDAA United States Dog Agility Association
USRC United States Rottweiler Club
UTD Urban Tracking Dog
UTDX Urban Tracking Dog Excellent
V Father
-V Veterans suffix to any NADAC Agility Title
V Vorzuglich, Excellent Rating at a European style Rottweiler Show
V-Rated Vorzuglich, Excellent Rating at a European style Rottweiler Show
V-1 Excellent Rating First Place Winner at Sieger Show
V-2 Excellent Rating Second Place Winner at Sieger Show
V-3 Excellent Rating Third Place Winner at Sieger Show
V-4 Excellent Rating Fouth Place Winner at Sieger Show
VAD Veteran Agility Dog
VAAD Veteran Advanced Agility Dog
VCCH AKC Versatile Companion Champion, Prefix Title
VCD1 AKC Versatile Companion Dog 1, Obedience Trial/Agility Trial/Tracking Test, Suffix Title
VCD2 AKC Versatile Companion Dog 2, Obedience Trial/Agility Trial/Tracking Test, Suffix Title
VCD3 AKC Versatile Companion Dog 3, Obedience Trial/Agility Trial/Tracking Test, Suffix Title
VCD4 AKC Versatile Companion Dog 4, Obedience Trial/Agility Trial/Tracking Test, Suffix Title
VDH Verband fur das Deutsche Hundewesen, German Kennel Club
VDH CH German Champion
VG Veterans Gambler Agility
VH 1, 2 & 3 Schutzhund Equivalent from Holland
Vice Sieger Runner up (Second) to show Sieger Title (This is not a real title. No organization awards this title.)
Vice Siegerin Runner up (Second) to show Siegerin Title (This is not a real title. No organization awards this title.)
Vice Youth Sieger Runner up (Second) to show Youth Sieger Title (This is not a real title. No organization awards this title.)
Vice Youth Siegerin Runner up (Second) to show Youth Siegerin Title (This is not a real title. No organization awards this title.)
VJ Veterans Jumper
VM Fathers Mother, Paternal Grandmother
VMAD Veteran Master Agility Dog
VPD Veteran Performance Dog Agility
VPG I Elementary level Schutzhund title
VPG1 Elementary level Schutzhund title
VPG II Intermediate level Schutzhund title
VPG2 Intermediate level Schutzhund title
VPG III Advanced level Schutzhund title
VPG3 Advanced level Schutzhund title
VS Veterans Snooker Agility
VST AKC Variable Surface Tracking, Suffix Title
VV Fathers Father, Paternal Grandfather
WB Winner's Bitch (takes the points)
WC Working Certificate
WCI Working Certificate Intermediate
WCX Working Certificate Excellent
WD Winner's Dog (takes the points)
WD Working Dog (AWSC) Working certificates
WD Water dog
WDA Working Dog Association
WDQ working dog qualified
WDS Working Dog Superior
WDX Working Dog Excellent
WH Watchdog
WJS (+year) Weltjugendsieger, World Youth Sieger
WR Working Retriever
WRD Water rescue dog (NCA)
WS (+year) Weltsieger, World Sieger
WT Birth Date
WTCH Working Trial Champion-prefix ASCA Herding titles
XF AKC Excellent FAST, Agility Trial, Suffix Title
XFP AKC Excellent FAST Preferred, Agility Trial, Suffix Title
Z Zuchter, Breeder
ZB-Nr Zuchtbuch-Nummer, Registration Number
ZFH Customs Tracking Dog
ZH 1, 2 & 3 Customs Dog
ZtP Zuchttanglichkeitsprunfung, Breed Suitability Test
ZtPr German breed suitability test, includes measuring weighing & character testing
ZVV 1, 2, & 3 Schutzhund Equivalent from Hungary, Czech and Poland
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